Monday, 18 February 2013

Winter Idyll ?

Well possibly the lack of posts through autumn and winter has alerted you to the fact that autumn and winter are not quite as idyllic as all that.  I could talk to you about the roaring wood fires, the hot cappuchinos in the cosy living room, candles lighting the centuries old stone walls,  the stews bubbling away on top of the stove all day to be wolfed down with hunks of french bread and the joy on the children's faces as they race into our bedroom having seen the snow piled high in the garden.  But,  I could also tell you about the daily loading of the wheelbarrow with forests' worth of logs, the relentless cold in numb toes that manages to get through two layers of socks.  The worry of ferrying children to school and ourselves to work on icy, frozen roads and maniac lorry drivers who still think that overtaking little cars is a good idea in a blizzard.  Soggy clothing hung round the fire to dry and missing gloves mysteriously re-appearing weeks later in someone elses coat pocket. And the worst, oh the worst worst is that first inch of skin making contact with the air outside the lovely snuggly duvet on a Monday morning when you know that this is absolutely the very last second that you can possibly stay in bed because really it is now time to get up and if you delay any longer you really will be late and there is now no more excuse for not getting out of bed, no matter how warm it is under the covers and how cold it is in the bedroom and that has now made you another five minutes late but my goodness isn't it cold out there.  KIDS GET UP WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!